Thursday, April 10, 2014

My Own Berger Experience

Jack Berger.

Certain publications have actually ranked him high on the list of Carrie's boyfriends.

To me, and most women who are religious watchers of Sex and the City, Berger has to be the worst possible boyfriend in Sex and the City history.

Berger seemed nice at first.  He was funny, smart, cute, and a writer like Carrie.  Carrie was consumed with him and wanted to date him immediately.

Part of me thinks she was only lonely, something she claimed at her book party, but I can see her attraction to him.

However, it was clear from the beginning how wrong he was for her and in life.

First, he collects playing cards and must sleep with a sound machine, courtesy of his ex.  Red flags, anyone?

His true colors begin to show as their relationship continues.  As Carrie's book becomes more and more successful, Berger begins to be threatened by her success and honestly just looks like a weak man who can't stand to be around strong and powerful women.  Which I experience on a daily basis, and it is absolutely demeaning and frustrating.

I am still very confused as to why she wanted to be with him.  Not only is he a total jerk and scared of women who are opinionated, but he also was not good in bed and they had to make the bed a restaurant in order to have good sex.  Big freaking red flag.

But, the absolute worst thing that Berger did was how he broke up with Carrie.

Need I say more?

The Post-It Note break up has got to be the worst break up in history by any lowlife scumbag man.  I mean honestly, how can you end any relationship by bringing a woman flowers, staying the night, and then disappear the next morning only leaving a post-it note saying you "can't".

I actually never thought I would have an experience like this, but I have.  It's completely hurtful and childish.  

Sigma Kappa had a date party just last night and I had a date and everything.  He was cute and seemed really nice and seemed excited.  We had talked for a few days and we were getting along great.  He even said so!  So when I did not hear from him yesterday at all, I was totally humiliated.  I think guys think I want some serious relationship or marriage when all I want is someone to talk to and go to socials with.  Literally last minute, this guy bails after not speaking to me, when I had tried to contact him.  No apologies, no nothing.  Haven't heard from him since.  

I went to the date party anyway because I can't change who I am.  I am opinionated, smart, aggressive, and a little bitchy.  Okay, a lot bitchy.  But I am not the ideal girl that these boys go after.  You know the ones, the girls who have zero brains and nothing to say and just stand there next to some boy and look pretty.  

See, that's not me.  That's not Carrie, either.  We are both strong and smart women who speak their minds and that is nothing to be ashamed of.

So, instead of messing around with these boys who will never want me, I just have to wait for the right man who will love my sick sense of humor, my sometimes obnoxious nature, and my opinions.  

Also, boys only break up with girls through a Post-It or text.  Men would never let you go.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Some are just not worth it.

Men. Or boys.

I feel as if I have only come across boys at my time at UT.  There is no such thing as men on this campus... or at least not in my experience.  It's incredibly frustrating.  Especially when I know that this thing called "man" does exist.

Examples: my dad, my best friends' boyfriends, and just genuine guys that are my friends, but neither of us are interested in each other in that way.

I am a wild and strong personality and am confident in the way I come across to people.  I curse too much and spill things on myself and speak my mind.  I am too forward when it comes to boys, but honestly it's because they are just that-- boys.

A man would never let me be forward because they would come up to me first, right?  My friends tell me how they met their boyfriends, or in the words of Carrie, "man friend" (which sounds like a dog, as said by Big), and I know that their relationships started because of the man.

But, I am someone who goes for what I want in all aspects of life, whether it is school, in my sorority, and yes, boys.  So, boys are taken aback when I go after what I want.  My strong personality that has been with me ever since I was little, and one I cannot get rid of scares off these boys.

It is incredibly annoying.

And of course, I always think it's me.  But, I know it's not at the same time.

I just have to wait.  One of my best friends had waited for such a long time and is the happiest she has ever been because she met the man of her dreams.

At this point, I just want to focus on my sisters and family.  They are the ones that truly care about me.  And of course... why do we always focus on the thing that we don't have when all of the things we do have are fabulous?

Plus, let's be honest.  Men will never fulfill you as much as the bond you have with your friends.  The bond I have with my sisters, even through fights, is stronger than any other relationship I ever had, other than with my family.  Through everything, they are there for me at my best and worst.  When I'm feeling lonely, I remember they are my soul mates.

